Our Products

Elephant Collars

Elephant Collars

Our GPS collars equipped with satellite, GSM, and LoRaWAN technology offer real-time monitoring capabilities for researchers, anti-poaching units, and wildlife management teams.

Technology For Wildlife Africa Elephant Collar


  • Position Acquisition: GPS with user-defined averaging function
  • Activity Recording: 12-bit Tri-axis accelerometer
  • Communications: Two-way communication via Iridium or GSM
  • Telemetry Beacons: VHF and UHF transmitters (VHF: 140-173 MHz, UHF: 433-450 MHz)
  • Data Access: Internet-based downloading via the Technology For Wildlife Africa data manager software
  • Geo-Fencing: Fully user-definable with automated SMS alarms for zone violations
  • Mortality Alarms: Automated SMS alerts triggered by accelerometer-based monitoring
  • Customization: Tailored configurations for size, battery, and integration options

The Technology For Wildlife Africa Elephant Collar is specially designed for tracking elephants in various habitats. With precise GPS positioning and continuous activity monitoring through a tri-axis accelerometer, it ensures accurate behavioral data collection. Two-way communication capabilities, combined with telemetry beacons, provide real-time data access and monitoring. The collar's customizable options for size, battery, and integration make it an ideal choice for elephant conservation projects.